Accu-Flo Aerial Nozzles
Superior Drift Control for Helicopters
The only nozzle of its kind, the Accu-Flo™ Radial Nozzle is a uniquely designed spray nozzle for precision applications. Because it applies as precisely as a paintbrush, Accu-Flo nozzles are used worldwide in forestry and right-of-way. Additionally, it’s an excellent nozzle for Ag work. Operating at pressures as low as 20psi with speeds of 30-40 mph makes this one-of-a-kind nozzle an ideal fit for Helicopters.
About Accu-Flo Nozzles
This lightweight, versatile nozzle produces the highest percentage of uniform-size droplets. As a result, the Accu-Flo™ nozzle can be used for most applications. In addition, it provides consistent, dependable, accurate drift control when operated within suggested pressure ranges and airspeed, as well as in conjunction with the basic rules of drift loss management. The Accu-Flo™ Radial Nozzle is durable, lasting four or more years under normal use conditions. It is impervious to all commonly used chemical formulations.

- Least drift-able fines of all nozzles
- Most uniform droplet distribution
- 9 Versatile cap styles are available
- 80 mesh filter comes standard in each nozzle
- Lightweight (2 oz ea)

Droplet size is determined by the specific nozzle used.
In general, the larger the orifice tube, the larger the micron size of the droplet produced.
The range of micron sizes produced by each nozzle is listed in the Orifice Size and Range in Micron Size Chart. This information is based upon testing by a helicopter at speeds of 30 to 40 MPH.

Accu-Flo GPM Chart

Accu-Flo Adapter and Restrictor Chart
How to Choose an Accu-Flo Complete Assembly
1. Decide what type of cap and needle is needed for your application. If unsure what type of cap and needle is needed for a particular application, the CP Quick Calculator can help. Click here to go to the CP Quick Calc. The nozzle cap options are located at the bottom of this page.
2. Determine if an Accu-Flo nozzle will be attached to a TeeJet or a Boom. If using a TeeJet, then you will need the 8360-ADP Assembly or the 2CV Assembly. If using a boom, then you will need an M-30 Assembly.
3. What size of restrictor do you prefer? Reference the Accu-Flo GPM Chart for restrictor options. Click here to view the Accu-Flo Adapter and Restrictor Chart.
4. The adapter sizes will be determined by how the nozzle is attached to a TeeJet or a boom. Click here to view the Accu-Flo Adapter and Restrictor Chart.

Designed for improved drift mitigation, Accu-Flo nozzles utilize the laws of physics to create uniform droplets through surface tension inside smooth-bore stainless steel needles. Because the needles or tubes are manufactured with a very tight ID tolerance, the droplet size produced is consistently uniform from each needle. In addition, the nozzle has a totally streamlined design with an internal check valve that aids in avoiding wind disturbance around the droplet emission point, which could shatter droplets to smaller sizes.
Want to make sure you take care of your Accu-Flo Nozzles? Read “Expert Tips for Accu-Flo Helicopter Nozzle.”
Accu-Flo Offers a Variety of Nozzle Caps

M-30-1B Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.047 Orifice, 16 Tube (Right-of-Way)

M-30-1D Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.028 Orifice, 32 Tube (Low Volume)

M-30-1F64 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.020 Orifice, 64 Tube (Specialty, High Coverage)

M30-1G48 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.033 Orifice, 48 Tube (Specialty, Forestry)

M-30-1 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.085 Orifice, 16 Tube (High Volume)

M-30-1C Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.028, 64 Tube (Forestry / Site Preparation)

M-30-1E40 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.016, 40 Tube (Specialty)

M-30-1F48 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.020 Orifice, 48 Tube (Specialty, Forestry / Site Preparation)

M-30-1A Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.063 Orifice, 16 Tube (Right-of-Way)

M-30-1B24 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.047, 24 Tube (Right-of-Way)

M-30-1E Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.016 Orifice, 76 Tube (High Coverage)

M-30-1F40 Accu-Flo Nozzle Cap
.020 Orifice, 40 Tube (Specialty, Forestry / Site Preparation)